Laughing Owl Press

This incredible client needed an updated and responsive site to support upcoming marketing initiatives and to better embody their brand and voice. The pages are built to support specific personas uncovered during the discovery process and blend the old school + new school vibe of a letterpress business.

2022 GDUSA Digital Design Awards
2022 Creative Professionals (CP2) Gold Bracket Award: Website

Let’s just tighten things up a bit.

A complete logo redesign wasn’t in the scope of work but I made the decision to find the time to tweak and streamline their mark for better weight, balance and usability. I explored adding more expression and facial features but in the end we settled on a simplified and tightened up version of their existing and beloved owl.

This is an overview of the entire site incorporating all the responsive views the development team and client are always grateful for.

A little bing never hurt anyone right? Here is a section from the foils & inks page.

A type and components page is a helpful reference for other designers and developers. It also adds to the list of take aways and guidance for a client as they strike out on their own.

Like what you see? Then let’s talk soon. Before we know it AI will be running things so we should crank out some quality, human-made work while we still can.


Organic Gardening Magazine