Lion Country Supply

This small upland hunting company had a staff and budget that was a fraction of what I had just come from at Cabela’s. But since dogs and upland hunting are close to my heart I relished the challenge.

It’s a little known fact but, if dogs were people, I’d be president of the United States. I’d prove it to you but I wouldn’t want you to get mad when your dog follows me home.

LCS had all the right tools in place to be successful but over time they hadn’t kept them up to date. That's where I came in.

pheasant feathers

Brand Anthem

After many discussions with the owner and his employees, I crafted the following as a brand anthem. This would establish a voice and tone that would anchor messaging for all marketing channels and the sales team.

“We are dog owners, we are hunters and we are dog trainers. We are kept up at night by the thought of a flushing bird, a sly cottontail or a mallard cupping its wings into a spread of decoys. We wake up early, stay till last light and walk for miles while forging bonds with our dogs that are rooted deep in our souls. 

We use the products we sell and we are here to help. At Lion Country Supply we do what the big box stores can’t, and we have been since 1974.”

hunters in a field

The Website

The website had become bloated with bad navigation and a dated UI that was resulting in low conversion rates. Their SEO needed specific attention in both the paid and organic channels. The goal was to streamline the products into a manageable number of collections. This would also improve the search functionality and add recognizable interactions that customers are accustomed to from other online shopping experiences.

Old approach

The Catalog

The biannual catalog was still a major sales driver for this audience. Due to its frequency, it was imperative that they demonstrate the breadth of their offering. However, just like the website, it also needed to be updated for a better user experience and shopping decisions. I included employee profiles and tips throughout to remind customers of the personalized, knowledge-based experience you get when shopping with Lion Country Supply. Some of the examples below show the newly designed approach side-by-side with the old pages for comparison.

catalog cover with Labrador

I executed a lot of brand-new product photography to complement the catalog redesign and spent hours cleaning up and silhouetting what already existed. Me and the ol’ lasso tool became great friends.

Old approach

Old approach

Old approach

There is a quote about bird dogs that says, “A bird dog will always be imploring you to imagine all of the great things you could be doing together." In this situation I’m the bird dog. Shoot me an email.


Penn State University


API Technologies Invitation