Organic Gardening Magazine

Here is a small sample of work from my time as the Art Director at OG. It was a happy and fruitful time in my career that left me with great memories and a healthy dose of compost knowledge.

Garden Writer Award: Best Cover Design 2013
Ozzie/Eddie Award: Best Single Issue 2012
Garden Writer Award: Best Cover Design 2011
Media Industry News: Award for Best Magazine Redesign 2010

Funny story…

At one of the Ozzie/Eddie award events in NY, we lost Best Cover Design to Vogue. Their cover had Demi Moore, on a beach, on a ladder, wearing ostrich skin boots while putting something around a giraffe's neck. We had a single chicken. Based on logistics alone we gracefully accepted defeat.

OG Business cards

This was a clever take on a day-to-day office supply. I started with a distinctive size and had them printed on plantable seed paper. When you were done with them they could be planted right in the ground and wildflowers would soon follow. The ad sales team loved them so much that it was difficult to keep them well supplied.

Who doesn’t love bold typography? Feel the same? Why not send me an email and see what else we have in common?


Laughing Owl Press


Paralux Cable Systems