Cabela’s Catalog Redesign

The goal of this redesign was to move away from a dense, inventory based presentation to a cleaner, easier to shop solution that would elevate the brand. The top sellers were highlighted through clear hierarchy and products were cross merchandised whenever possible. The look, feel and voice were then integrated into the other print and digital marketing channels.

Old approach

Old approach

Old approach

Hunter’s Harvest Magalog

One of my special assignments was to lead the group of Senior Art Directors and Copy Writers as we developed a process for planning and producing magalogs. Magalogs were relatively new to Cabela's and resonated with customers, receiving high praise as well as an excellent lift in sales.

Recognition from your co-workers

Awards are always enjoyable to receive, but these two stand out for me. Co-workers and peers determined who received a "Brand Iron" award. In a department of over 300 people spanning multiple disciplines I was awarded two. The “creative genius" tag that hangs on them makes me a tad uncomfortable, but what matters is they represent my co-workers appreciation and respect for the work.

The Common Creative Platform

As the catalog redesign took shape I was given a second role at Cablea's as Project Manager for the Common Creative Platform, a company-wide brand alignment initiative. That meant working with all of the brand marketing departments to build a comprehensive set of standards and guidelines. These standards would give the brand a consistent, cohesive voice and visuals across all marketing channels for the first time. No more working in silos.

For two years, I partnered with the marketing analytics and UX team to develop and execute a four part marketing test with customers. These tests provided quantifiable insight into how customers related to the brand and how they used the catalog, website and retail locations to make buying decisions. It was critical to develop trusting relationships and have clear communication channels with everyone involved. Understanding each of the group's goals and the ability to facilitate open discussion, collaboration and compromise was essential to the overall project.

After the testing was complete, I delivered presentations across the company to share the results. If you read all of that, you deserve a solid thank you from me. Picture me doing the prayer hands thing… thank you.

Cabela’s may have run their business into a bad spot only to be gobbled up by a competitor but you won’t do that. You’ll hire smart, talented people, and you’ll end up buying your competition instead. Let me help you sort out that victory speech.


Lion Country Supply


Laughing Owl Press